The Ultimate Guide To Trailer Tyres And Maintenance

Trailer tyres are an important component of safe towing and optimal trailer performance.

Whether you are hauling heavy loads for work or heading away on a family getaway, you need those tyres operating at optimum efficiency.

So, let’s take a look at what makes a good trailer tyre, how you can choose the right ones, and what you need to do to maintain their good condition.

The Importance Of Good Trailer Tyres

Having good tyres on your trailer helps you to drive more safely. Trailer tyres can carry heavy loads over long distances, so they need to be up to the task! That means they need proper tread depth, they should be inflated to the correct amount and be in good condition. This will give them great traction, along with better braking and cornering, reducing your chance of having an accident.

When you have well maintained tyres you can safely transport your cargo and utilise the maximum load capacity. It also helps with fuel efficiency, better handling and compliance with road safety laws.

When you regularly inspect your tyres and undertake the necessary maintenance tasks, you can help them last longer and perform better. It will reduce their risk of punctures and damage, saving you money and increasing your safety on the road.

Your Guide To Trailer Tyres And Maintenance

Right, now we understand the importance of having good trailer tyres, let’s get an understanding of what those good tyres look like and how you can maintain them.

Choosing The Right Tyres

It is vital that you choose tyres that specifically meet the requirements of your trailer. What we mean by that is, tyres that are the right size for your trailer wheels, can handle the weight of your maximum load capacity and will perform under the conditions you need them to. If you aren’t sure which tyres meet these needs, then seek advice from your manual or the manufacturer.

Here at Lucca Trailers, we can recommend the exact tyres that work best with each of our trailer variations. So, get in touch with us if you have any queries about our trailers and their wheels.

Keeping Up With Maintenance

These are some of the essential maintenance you should be performing on your trailer tyres:

  • Visual check: Regularly check your tyres for signs of wear and tear, damage or irregularities. Pay special attention to their overall appearance, if one looks softer than the others, and if there are any cuts, holes, cracks, or bulges. Finally, give them a once over to check that there aren’t any embedded objects like nails or stones – this task is particularly important if your trailer visits building or construction sites.
  • Inflation Levels: Your tyres won’t operate at maximum efficiency unless they are correctly inflated. Overinflation can give you reduced traction, less shock absorption, and an increased chance of failure or popping. Underinflation is no better, they can increase drag, reduce fuel efficiency, and wear unevenly, causing the need for early replacement. Use a tyre pressure gauge to ensure all of your tyres are inflated to the correct level, including your spare.
  • Check Tread Depth: Tread plays a crucial role in the handling, traction and performance of your tyres. Over time, the tread depth will gradually reduce as the tyres come in contact with the road. If your tread levels are too worn, then your trailer will not be as safe to drive. So, checking that your tyres have plenty of remaining tread is an essential exercise.
  • Clean Them: Mud, debris and forms of road grime can hide problems present in your tyres and they can also cause premature wear. Ensure you wash your trailer tyres regularly with mild soap, or simply squirt them with a hose. Avoid using harsh chemicals as they can damage the surface and tyre rubber.
  • Store Them Well: Tyres can take damage from prolonged exposure to the sun, temperature fluctuations, and other outdoor elements. That’s why storage is super important. Try to store your trailer in a covered area away from direct sunlight or use a cover to protect it when not in use. The same applies to spare tyres. These are best stored indoors if possible.
  • See The Professionals: Having a mechanic regularly check your trailer tyres will ensure they remain in good working order. They can look at your wheel alignment, wheel bearings and how balanced your tyres are. They’ll also be able to offer advice on whether your tyres need rotating or if any issues need to be addressed.

Seasonal Considerations

The different weather conditions of the various seasons can impact your trailer tyres. In winter, you should check your tyre pressure regularly as the cold weather can cause the tyre pressure to drop. The sides of your tyres may also be more prone to cracking with temperature fluctuations and colder temperatures. You may also choose to utilise snow chains for more traction.

In summer, tyre pressure is still a consideration as the warmer temperatures can increase your tyre pressure. You also want to check that your tyres aren’t overheating, signs of this can include bulging, excessive wear, or over-inflation. Try to store your trailer out of direct sunlight in the summertime.


Sometimes, unexpected things can happen on the road. If you do experience an emergency, you will want to have a fully operational spare tyre on board. That means one that is properly inflated, suits the model of your trailer, and is in good condition. You can buy a spare wheel and spare wheel holder add-on for your Lucca Trailer.

After an emergency occurs, it is advised to immediately take the problem tyre to a trailer specialist for repair or replacement so that you are ready for any other unexpected road circumstances.

Ask The Experts

If you have any concerns or questions about the tyres on your Lucca trailer, then it is best to ask the experts! Our friendly team are on hand to help with any queries or to provide advice on specific circumstances. Get in touch with us today to chat about anything trailer related.

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